Call reference No: MARE/2014/22
Cross border maritime spatial planning in the Black Sea Romania and Bulgaria
The Project has been implemented by a Romania-Bulgarian partnership including ten instututions under
the coordination of the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Administration, Bucharest, RO-PL:
- Ministry of Regional Development, Sofia, BG;
- Ministry of Environment, Department of Water, Forests and Fisheries, Bucharest, RO;
- National Institut for Marine Research and Development "G.Antipa", Constanta, RO;
- "Danube Delta" National Institut for Research and Development, Tulcea, RO;
- National Institute for Research and Development in Construction, Urban Planning and Sustainable Development, RO;
- "Ovidius" University of Constanta, RO;
- Institute of Oceanology to the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, BG;
- Executive Agency Maritime Agency, Sofia, BG;
- Bulgarian Ports Infrastructures Company, Sofia, BG;
Objectives. The MARSPLAN BS Project main objectives are:
- Spport the implementation of the EU Directive for Maritime Spatial Planning in the Black Sea Basin, starting with its Member States, Romania and Bulgaria
- Create an MSP institutional framework for Romania-Bulgaria cross-border
- To develope the cooperation with all Black Sea countries in the field of MSP >
- To consolidate the cross-border cooperation and the information exchange between Romania and Bulgaria
- To set out the vision and strategic goals for Black Sea area on MSP, taking into account the land sea interaction
- To elaborate MSP Plan for the Romania – Bulgaria cross-border area
- To contribute to a wider dissemination of all gathered information concerning MSP field, Black Sea area, best practices and stakeholders.
Results and Outputs
The MARSPLAN project has planned:
- to elaborate MPS Methodology, MSP indicators,MSP legislation support, plans;
- to elaborate a complete analysis of the Romanian and Bulgarian marine areas;
- to design a MSP Plan for Romania-Bulgaria cross-border area
- to develop MSP strategies, vision
- Eforie area - Romania
- Sfantul Gheorghe - Romania
- Bourgas Port - Bulgaria
- Aquaculture and fisheries
- New ship routing system in territorial seas of Bulgaria and Romania
Core project team:
- Teofil Gherca, MRDRPA, RO
- Maria Gheorghieva, MRD, BG
- Gheorghe Constantin, MEFW, RO
- Laura Alexandrov, NIMRD G.Antipa, RO
- Iulian Nichersu, DDNIRD, RO
- Constantin Chifelea, URBAN-INCERC, RO
- Constantin Popa, UOC, RO
- Margarita Stanceva, IO-BAS, BG
- Peter Kirov, Executive Maritive Agency, BG
- Anghel Zaburtov, Bulgarian Ports Infrastructure Comp
Eforie Case Study
STUDY CASE Aquaculture and Fisheries
2019 - 2020
MARSPLAN BS II Interim Report PP4 NIMRD 2019 - 2020
MARSPLAN BS II Final Technical Report NIMRD
Synthesis Report of Maritime Uses 1.1.1 NIMRD
Present Conditions of maritime space 1.1.2 NIMRD
Study 1.1.3. Future Conditions of the Marine Space BG RO
Reports on MSP - LSI questionaire RO NIMRD
Other reports
LSI Methodology CCMS